Experience Chemistry® Curriculum

High School Chemistry for Homeschool Students

Students will experience chemistry like never before! Watch them connect chemistry to their world by exploring climate change, water quality, the newest energy sources, and the foods we grow and eat. Experience Chemistry® uses cool, weird, and amazing phenomena to engage students in 3-D science. Give homeschool students an up-close, first hand experience they’ll never forget.


High School Chemistry Curriculum with Digital Resources

Students investigate real, compelling phenomena that fuels questions about everyday life and the thrill of discovery.


Phenomena-Driven Learning

Experience Chemistry® bases its pedagogy on phenomena students recognize. It gives purpose to their experience and incorporates a critical component of the Next Generation Science Standards.


True Inquiry Experience

Our exclusive partnership with Flinn Scientific provides engaging labs and Engineering Design Challenges for immersive, differentiated learning.


Active Learning Paths

Hands-on, active learning drives student motivation to dive deeper into chemistry concepts.


Develop College and Career Readiness Skills

Students learn to think and act like scientists as they formulate ideas, arguments and solutions using evidence.

Homeschool Bundle Details

The bundle includes: 

  • Student Edition
  • 1-year of student and teacher digital access to Savvas Realize, our online digital platform

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High School Chemistry Teaching Solutions

  • Educator Resources
  • Student Resources

Educator Resources

  • Instructional Support Package
    Instructors have access to a robust support package with digital resources designed to streamline instructional management.

Student Resources

  • Multiple Engagement Approaches
    Students practice a variety of ways to discuss and explain ideas, ask questions and present their findings
  • Virtual Labs
    Students explore topics in an online lab or field setting where they gather and analyze data, run experiments and manipulate variables using real data
  • Virtual Nerd Math Support
    Makes excellent remediation tools for students struggling with specific equations
  • College and Career Readiness
    Prepare students for real-world applications and future STEM opportunities.

Award-winning Online Platform for your High School Chemistry Curriculum for Homeschool

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Savvas Realize® offers a single space for teachers and students to manage their class experience and resources for success in chemistry and beyond.

Experience Chemistry Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Experience Chemistry® and what are its

    Experience Chemistry® is a next generation high school chemistry program for homeschool that puts the focus on the student experience. This modern program implements a learning model that organizes learning around phenomena giving students an authentic, real-world experience. Experience Chemistry® includes a variety of hands-on and digital activities designed to reach every learner. Students complete virtual labs, simulations, data analysis, claim-evidence reasoning exercises and more on their sensemaking journey. Homeschool parents and instructors have access to a robust support package with digital resources designed to streamline instruction management. 

  • How does Experience Chemistry® incorporate science phenomena?

    Making sense of phenomena drives student learning throughout Experience Chemistry®. This program engages students directly in different examples of phenomena that relate to authentic real-world scenarios.

    Every Storyline (the unit of instruction) begins with an Anchoring Phenomenon — a real-world science phenomenon sparks curiosity as students make observations and ask questions. The anchoring phenomenon gives students purpose as they engage in activities to make sense of this phenomenon and connect the chemistry concepts through a unique, unifying occurrence. Throughout the Storyline, students repeatedly revisit the anchoring phenomenon question and discuss the real-world impact of the problem as they propose solutions – thus building understanding over time. By the end of the storyline, students are able to explain the anchoring phenomenon. Additionally, in each Storyline there are two opportunities for students to be involved in designing solutions to problems. At the Storyline level there is a Problem-based Learning Experience that spans several Investigations. 

    A real-world Investigative Phenomenon video launches every Investigation (chapter level organization). The Investigative Phenomenon opens different lines of inquiry related to the Anchoring Phenomenon. Students again ask questions, make observations, and track their developing understanding of the phenomenon in Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) or Modeling exercises. At the end of each Experience students revisit their CER worksheet in a sense-making exercise to review, revise or add to their explanation of how the phenomenon occurs – thus building understanding over time. At the end of the Investigation, students once again revisit and make sense of the phenomena by drawing connections.

    The lessons, called Experiences, are where students encounter Everyday Phenomena through virtual simulations, digital interactivities, videos, animations, Engineering Design Challenges, homeschool parent or instructor demonstrations, modeling activities, performance-based assessments, data analysis activities, peer review and more. This wide variety of real-world experiences builds student understanding using DCIs, CCCs, and SEPs by interacting with phenomena over time.

  • What differentiation support is available in Experience Chemistry®?

    The Experience Chemistry® program includes a variety of resources and instructional strategies that help teachers address the diverse student needs, skills, and interests in their classroom. There are several techniques which are found throughout the different Storylines and Investigations including:

    • For students needing support (Struggling Students, Special Needs Students or Advanced Students), the Differentiated Instruction sections in the Teacher Guide includes suggestions for them.
    • Remediation Suggestions can be found at the Evaluate phase of the learning model to help homeschool educators troubleshoot student weaknesses. 
    • Appropriate ELD Support strategies are incorporated at point of need as margin notes in the Teacher Guide . These support strategies address the different levels of English Language Development (Emerging, Expanding, Bridging).
    • Digital resources, such as animations simplify complex concepts and provide a visual model to assist in student understanding.
    • Math support is provided to assist those students who struggle with the essential mathematical concepts necessary for Chemistry success and include resources like Math Nerd Videos and lab videos for hands-on inquiry support.
    • Alternative ideas for the introductory phenomenon are given as Related Phenomena so that more localized examples can be used to maintain student interest.
  • Is the Experience Chemistry® instruction research based?

    The instructional model is based on research conducted by the Instructional Leadership for Science Practices (ILSP), a National Science Foundation project whose goal was to develop tools that support educators in the integration of the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) along with the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

    Per ILSP’s framework, the science and engineering practices provide a pathway for students to engage sequentially in the processes of investigation, sense-making, and critique.

    This approach has been adapted by incorporating BSCS 5E Model to round out the five-stage learning progression: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. The role of phenomena has been intensified in the pedagogy in order to address the need for phenomenon-based learning opportunities as outlined in the NGSS.

  • Table of Contents

    Storyline 1: Atoms, Elements, and Molecules

    Investigation 1: Atomic Structure

    • Experience 1.1 The Particle Nature of Matter
    • Experience 1.2 Modeling Atoms
    • Experience 1.3 Atomic Emission Spectra and the Bohr Model
    • Experience 1.4 Modern Atomic Theory
    • Experience 1.5 Electrons in Atoms


    Investigation 2: The Periodic Table

    • Experience 2.1 The Periodic Table: An Overview
    • Experience 2.2 The Periodic Table and Atomic Structure
    • Experience 2.3 Periodic Trends


    Investigation 3: Chemical Bonding

    • Experience 3.1 Ionic Bonds
    • Experience 3.2 Metallic Bonds
    • Experience 3.3 Covalent Bonds
    • Experience 3.4 Intermolecular Attractions
    • Experience 3.5 Names and Formulas of Compounds


    Storyline 2: Understanding Chemical Reactions

    Investigation 4: Physical Properties of Materials

    • Experience 4.1 States of Matter
    • Experience 4.2 Modeling Phase Changes
    • Experience 4.3 Comparing Ionic and Molecular Compounds
    • Experience 4.4 Comparing Metals and Nonmetals
    • Experience 4.5 Water and Aqueous Systems
    • Experience 4.6 Properties of Solutions


    Investigation 5: Chemical Quantities

    • Experience 5.1 The Mole Concept
    • Experience 5.2 Molar Relationships
    • Experience 5.3 Percent Composition and Empirical Formula
    • Experience 5.4 Concentrations of Solutions


    Investigation 6: Chemical Reactions

    • Experience 6.1 Modeling Chemical Reactions
    • Experience 6.2 Predicting Outcomes of Reactions
    • Experience 6.3 Reactions in Aqueous Solution


    Investigation 7: Stoichiometry

    • Experience 7.1 Quantifying Reactants and Products
    • Experience 7.2 Chemical Calculations
    • Experience 7.3 Limiting Reagent and Percent Yield


    Investigation 8: Thermochemistry

    • Experience 8.1 Energy in Chemical Bonds
    • Experience 8.2 Heats of Formation and Reaction
    • Experience 8.3 Heat in Changes of State


    Storyline 3: The Chemistry of Climate Change

    Investigation 9: The Behavior of Gases

    • Experience 9.1 Properties of Gases
    • Experience 9.2 The Gas Laws
    • Experience 9.3 Ideal Gases
    • Experience 9.4 Gases in Earth's Atmosphere


    Investigation 10: Weather and Climate

    • Experience 10.1 Earth's Surface Systems
    • Experience 10.2 Water and Energy in the Atmosphere
    • Experience 10.3 Atmospheric System Feedbacks
    • Experience 10.4 Long-Term Climate Factors
    • Experience 10.5 Short-Term Climate Factors


    Investigation 11: Global Climate Change

    • Experience 11.1 The Chemistry of Earth's Atmosphere
    • Experience 11.2 Evidence of Climate Change
    • Experience 11.3 Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions
    • Experience 11.4 Climate Models
    • Experience 11.5 Consequences of Climate Change
    • Experience 11.6 Response to Climate Change


    Storyline 4: The Dynamics of Chemical Reactions and Ocean Acidification

    Investigation 12: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium

    • Experience 12.1 Rates of Reaction
    • Experience 12.2 The Progress of Chemical Reactions
    • Experience 12.3 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
    • Experience 12.4 Free Energy and Entropy


    Investigation 13: Acids-Base Equilibria

    • Experience 13.1 Acids, Bases, and Salts
    • Experience 13.2 Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
    • Experience 13.3 Reactions of Acids and Bases
    • Experience 13.4 Buffered Solutions


    Investigation 14: Ocean Acidification

    • Experience 14.1 Ocean pH Levels
    • Experience 14.2 Earth's Ocean as a Carbon Sink
    • Experience 14.3 Oceans and Climate Change
    • Experience 14.4 Consequences of Ocean Acidification


    Storyline 5: Industrial Applications

    Investigation 15: Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

    • Experience 15.1 Oxidation vs. Reduction
    • Experience 15.2 Modeling and Predicting Outcomes of Redox Reactions
    • Experience 15.3 Electrochemical Cells


    Investigation 16: Organic Chemistry

    • Experience 16.1 Hydrocarbons
    • Experience 16.2 Functional Groups
    • Experience 16.3 Polymers


    Investigation 17: Nuclear Processes

    • Experience 17.1 Radioactivity and Half-Life
    • Experience 17.2 Fission and Fusion
    • Experience 17.3 Nuclear Technologies


    Investigation 18: Green Chemistry

    • Experience 18.1 Industrial Chemicals
    • Experience 18.2 Principles of Green Chemistry
    • Experience 18.3 Designing Sustainable Processes


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