myView Literacy Elementary Reading Homeschool Curriculum
Transform student achievement with myView Literacy’s proven model grounded in the Science of Reading and Writing.
- Daily explicit foundational skills instruction
- Evidence-based reading and writing instruction
- Engaging literature and storytelling
- Diagnostic tools bolster differentiation
- Ample practice for skills mastery
- A clear path to building knowledge
Leveraging Science to Develop Strong Readers and Writers
The road to a strong reading and writing program is built on science. Unlock student potential with myView Literacy’s comprehensive roadmap proven to boost student achievement.
Daily Foundational Skills
Reading success begins with daily explicit and systematic foundational skills instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and word study—the basic building blocks of reading.
Vocabulary & Comprehension
A consistent five-day routine in vocabulary and comprehension instruction allows teachers to deep dive into high-quality literature and make lasting learning connections.
myView Literacy provides explicit and systematic instruction in the foundational skills of writing, such as handwriting, spelling, language, and conventions, in addition to explicit instruction in writing composition.
Homeschool Bundle Details
The bundle includes:
- Student Edition
- 1-year of student and teacher digital access to Savvas Realize, our online digital platform
Shop Bundle Offerings
Building Knowledge Is in Our DNA
Knowledge, Vocabulary and Engagement
Deliberate Practice at Your Fingertips
Text That Reflects Students’ Experiences
Knowledge, Vocabulary and Engagement Engaging Text That Builds Knowledge, Vocabulary, and Student Interest
Connecting New Knowledge with Prior KnowledgeOur Building Knowledge Library leverages evidence-based practices to ensure students have ample background knowledge. Each lesson builds knowledge with an Essential Question that anchors the weekly texts, increases brain-based connections, and elevates understanding. Vertically aligned units seamlessly blend reading and writing skills with science and social studies content areas.
Rich Vocabulary and Engaging TextA variety of text that introduces students to new words and concepts, expanding their language skills with every page turned.
Deliberate Practice at Your Fingertips
Reading Routines CompanionThe Reading Routines Companion establishes lesson structures, saves planning time, and prioritizes student achievement through routine-based instruction for deeper practice and targeted differentiation support.
Skills PracticeFormative assessment and corrective feedback accompany practice in each lesson and give teachers tools for differentiation. Through our comprehensive system for explicit foundational skills instruction and practice, students have adequate time to practice the concepts taught that week.
Text That Reflects Students’ Experiences
Authentic, Relatable Text CollectionSpark curiosity and make meaningful connections with topics that are relevant and engaging to students. From history and nature, to space and culture, our books are a gateway to fascination and meaningful learning.
Award-winning Online Learning Management System
Savvas Realize® provides access to all the myView Literacy program’s digital resources and downloadable, editable print materials to meet every educational standard.
Supporting Your Science of Reading Journey Every Step of the Way
The Science of Student Engagement
Reading Program Roadmap
myView Literacy: Grounded in the Science of Reading
Learn more about the Science of Reading
Bypass Planning time
View Roadmap Brochure
Evidence in myView Literacy
Science of Reading Research Brief
More about myView Literacy
What is myView Literacy?
myView Literacy is a comprehensive, interactive core literacy homeschool program for elementary students that targets all areas of the literacy block. Through the science of reading, authentic literature, and mentor texts, homeschool parents and teachers can inspire growing readers and authors.
What differentiation options does myView Literacy offer for homeschool parents and teachers to tailor instruction to meet student needs?Differentiation options include leveled content readers and decodable stories that give students more skills practice with additional text selections. The Reading Routines Companion provides more options for reteaching foundational skills, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
How can teachers use myFocus Intervention lessons?
myFocus Intervention is a digital targeted, skill-specific, flexible resource. Many homeschool parents and teachers use it for Tier 2 Instruction support. Lesson topics can be correlated with whole-group lessons or taught in isolation to help zero in on closing learning gaps.
How does myView Literacy support English Language Learners (ELLs)?
Tiered scaffolds that align with WIDA proficiency levels help ELLs engage with instruction at the same rate as their English-speaking peers. The Language Awareness Handbook provides homeschool parents and teachers with scaffolded lessons that correlate directly with instruction and give ELLs additional support. -
What routines does myView Literacy use to teach reading comprehension skills?
myView Literacy utilizes a consistent five-lesson routine for teaching comprehension: visualizing text characteristics; student-teacher shared text reading; a focus on specific comprehension skills, including close reading; and student reflection on their reading.
All lessons center around one anchor text–this enables students to gain comfortability with a selection and homeschool parents and teachers to dive deeper into comprehension instruction.
How does myView Literacy support students in learning to read and foundational skills?
myView Literacy is grounded in the science of reading, which indicates students need explicit instruction on critical elements to ensure they develop foundational skills. As students progress through the primary grades, they grow as readers, using systematic and explicit instruction of phonological awareness skills.
Does Savvas offer social-emotional learning opportunities throughout myView Literacy?
myView Literacy incorporates the five pillars of social-emotional learning to ensure student success beyond the text. The program gives students the opportunity to work with peers on writing activities as they explain their views and develop the art of giving and receiving feedback. Each unit culminates with project-based learning where students work together to showcase their growth.
What are some options for organizing the writing block in myView Literacy?The writing block can be organized in a variety of ways. Writing minilessons ensure that homeschool parents and teachers are maximizing instructional time. Weekly Fast Track enables parents and teachers to prioritize which lessons are most crucial for ensuring that all writing standards are covered.